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(1) Alone in the desert / Marian Chytka

(2) Alone in The Slum / Alessandro Bergamini

(3) Ancien China / Daniel Metz

(4) Art in progress / Jorge Gaspar Ferreira

(5) Bird photographer / Wolfgang Korazija

(6) David and Goliath / Derek Burdeny

(7) Hummingbird and her favorite red flower / William Lee

(8) Himalayan house / Manjik photography

(9) In the Kingdom of Giants / Janne Kahila

(10) Luej / Altrim Alii

(11) Make dessert / Sarawut Intarob

(12) Mid-air laser Catch / Andre P.

(13) Nemophila and Ant / Koutaro Komatsuzaki

(14) Rakotz Bridge / Lukas Petereit

(15) River Retreat / Peter Stewart

(16) Rolling into the spring / Johannes Hulsch

(17) Spring Joy / Unsal Odemis

(18) Squirrel / Clifford Pugliese

(19) Syrfing / Nikos Bantouvakis


(20) Boat: 보트 / Hilda Murray

(21) Butterfly: 나비 / Tiger Seo

(22) Castle on the hill: 언덕 위의 성城 / Johannes Hulsch

(23) Eagle: 독수리 / Sergey Johansen

(24) Fes Medina gate: 페스(모로코 북부)

메디나(도시) 게이트(문) / Pornpoj Nantajeeworawat

(25) Guts: 배짱(용기) / Nikos Bantouvakis

(26) Jumping tiger: 돌진하는 호랑이 / Norbert Liesz

(27) Just playing: 그냥 놀다 / Mareike Konrad

(28) kapuzbasi waterfalls Kayseri Turkey:

터키 카이세리(터키 중부의 도시)의 카푸즈바시 폭포 / Ayse

(29) Monk: 승려(수도사) / Efemir Art

(30) Morning of A New Day:

새로운 하루의 아침 / Bertoni Siswanto

(31) Pollensammler: 꽃가루 수집 / Michael J. Kochniss

(32) Remote Chapel: 외딴 예배당 / Maciej Bartnicki

(33) Rice fields on terraced of Mu Cang Chai, YenBai:

베트남의 계단식 논밭 / Sasin Tipchai

(34) Riverbanks: 강둑 / Stefan Radi

(35) Roots: 뿌리 / Gavin

(36) Rural woman wear Thai dress: 시골(전원)

여성은 태국 옷을 입는다 / Visoot Uthairam

(37) Still life: 정물靜物 / Mostapha Merab Samii

(38) The Cave: 동굴 / Carlos Santero

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