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스페인 출생 18811025- 1973 4 8



First Communion, 1895-96, oil on canvas, Museo

Picasso, <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 /> Barcelona. 103KB

Self Portrait, 1899-1900, charcoal on paper, Museo

Picasso, Barcelona. 181KB


Self Portrait: Yo Picasso, 1901, oil on canvas, private

collection. 117KB


La Vie (Life), 1903, oil on canvas, Cleveland Museum of

Art. 119KB


The Tragedy, 1903, oil on wood, National Gallery of Art,

Washington D.C. 99KB


Woman with a Crow, 1904, charcoal, pastel, and

watercolor on paper, Toledo Museum of Art. 126KB

Tumblers (Mother and Son), 1905, gouache on canvas,

Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart. 155KB

Family of Saltimbanques, 1905, National Gallery of

Art, Washington D.C. 158KB

La Toilette, 1906, oil on canvas, Albright Knox Art

Gallery, Buffalo, NY. 109KB


Self Portrait, 1907, oil on canvas, National Gallery,

Prague. 158KB

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907, Giraudon, Paris.



Guitar, 1913, charcoal, pencil, ink, and pasted paper.


The Lovers, 1923, National Gallery of Art, Washington

D.C. 131KB

The Pipes of Pan, 1923, oil on canvas, Musee Picasso,

Paris. 118KB


Paul as Harlequin, 1924, oil on canvas, Musee Picasso,

Paris. 139KB

Studio with Plaster Head, 1925, oil on

canvas. 165KB



Woman with a Flower, 1932, oil on canvas,

Galerie Beyeler, Basle. 98KB


Nude Woman in a Red Armchair, 1932, Tate

Gallery, London. 78KB


The Dream, 1932, oil on canvas, private

collection, New York. 88KB

Interior with a Girl Drawing, 1935, oil on

canvas. 151KB

Portrait of Dora Maar, 1937, oil on canvas,

Musee Picasso, Paris. 139KB

Weeping Woman, 1937, Tate Gallery, London.



Gernica, detail, 1937, oil on canvas, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid 149KB


Girl with a Boat (Maya Picasso), 1938, oil on

canvas, Rosengart Collection, Lucerne. 143KB


Jacqueline in the Studio, 1956, oil on

canvas, City of Lucerne. 125KB


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