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The Lovers, 1923, National Gallery of Art, Washington
D.C. 131KB

The Pipes of Pan, 1923, oil on canvas, Musee Picasso,
Paris. 118KB

The Tragedy, 1903, oil on wood, National Gallery of Art,
Washington D.C. 99KB

< La Vie (Life), 1903, oil on canvas, Cleveland Museum of
Art. 119KB

La Toilette, 1906, oil on canvas, Albright Knox Art
Gallery, Buffalo, NY. 109KB

First Communion, 1895-96, oil on canvas,
Museo Picasso, Barcelona. 103KB

Self Portrait: Yo Picasso, 1901, oil on canvas,
private collection. 117KB

Woman with a Crow, 1904, charcoal, pastel, and
watercolor on paper, Toledo Museum of Art. 126KB

Tumblers (Mother and Son), 1905, gouache on canvas,
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart. 155KB

Family of Saltimbanques, 1905, National Gallery of
Art, Washington D.C. 158KB

Self Portrait, 1907, oil on canvas, National Gallery,
Prague. 158KB

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907, Giraudon, Paris.

Guitar, 1913, charcoal, pencil, ink, and pasted paper.

Studio with Plaster Head, 1925,
oil on canvas. 165KB

Woman with a Flower, 1932, oil on canvas,
Galerie Beyeler, Basle. 98KB

Nude Woman in a Red Armchair, 1932,
Tate Gallery, London. 78KB

The Dream, 1932, oil on canvas,
private collection, New York. 88KB

Interior with a Girl Drawing, 1935, oil on
canvas. 151KB

Portrait of Dora Maar, 1937, oil on canvas,
Musee Picasso, Paris. 139KB

Weeping Woman, 1937, Tate Gallery, London.

Gernica, detail, 1937, oil on canvas, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid 149KB

Girl with a Boat (Maya Picasso), 1938, oil on

canvas, Rosengart Collection, Lucerne. 143KB

Paul as Harlequin, 1924, oil on canvas, Musee Picasso,
Paris. 139KB

Self Portrait, 1899-1900, charcoal on paper, Museo
Picasso, Barcelona. 181KB

List of Articles
번호 제목
154 꿈꾸는 여인들
153 女體에 담은 그림 예술
152 Carl Larsson의 그림
151 르누아르의 작품세계
150 Auguste Renoir 작품감상
149 1위부터 20위까지 비싼 그림
148 연필로 그린 인물화
147 정감이 넘치는 민속화
146 조선시대 '민속화' 명작선
145 북한 걸작 그림 14점
144 극사실주의 화가 Raphaella Spence의 작품세계
143 배추로 연출한 여인의 자태 (中國 桔多淇 作品)
142 민속화 모음
141 친딸을 누드모델로
140 Ben Goossens의 작품세계
139 사진작가 William Lester의 작품집
138 한국 근현대화 100선
137 사진작가 Yimming Hu의 작품집
136 Ian Cameron Photography 작품집
135 세계의 희귀한 조각품들