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Egypt Egypt,[이집트] 1902, oil on paper. The Reluctant Dragon The Reluctant Dragon[마음에 들지않는 용], A Venetian Night's Entertainment A Venetian Night's Entertainment,[베네치아 밤의 여흥] Air Castles Air Castles,[공기방울 성] 1904, oil on board. The Lantern Bearers The Lantern Bearers,[등을 들고 있는 사람들] Jason and his Teacher Jason and his Teacher, [이야손과 그의 스승 켄타라우스] Cadmus Sowing the Dragon's Teeth Cadmus Sowing the Dragon's Teeth, [카드모스는 용의 이빨을 뿌리다] The Tempest The Tempest,[폭풍] 1909, oil on panel. Griselda Griselda,[그리셀다] 1910, oil on board. Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty,[잠자는 숲속의 미녀] 1912, oil on canvas. Puss in Boots Puss in Boots,[장화신은 고양이] 1913, oil on panel. Enchantment (Cinderella) Enchantment [매혹](Cinderella), 1913, oil on panel. The Garden of Allah (detail) The Garden of Allah,[알라신의 정원] Morning (Spring) Morning (Spring),[아침(봄)] 1922, oil on panel. Venetian Lamplighter Venetian Lamplighter, [베네치아의 등불]1922, oil on panel. Her Window Her Window,[그녀의 창] 1922, oil on panel, private collection. Daybreak (detail) Daybreak,[새벽] detail, 1922, oil on panel. The Knave Watches Violetta Depart The Knave Watches Violetta Depart, [사악한자가 비올레타의 집을 지켜보고 있다.] The Knave The Knave, 1925, oil on panel. Lady Ursula Kneeling before Pompdebile Lady Ursula Kneeling before Pompdebile, 1924, oil on panel. Reverie Reverie,[백일몽] 1926, oil on panel. Hilltop Hilltop,[언덕 위에 올라] 1926, oil on panel. Contentment Contentment,[만족] 1927, oil on masonite, Golden Hours Golden Hours (Autumn), 1927, oil on panel. Ecstasy Ecstasy,[황홀] 1929, oil on panel, Waterfall Waterfall, 1930, oil on panel, private collection. Arizona (first version) Arizona (first version), 1930, oil on masonite. Sunrise Sunrise, 1931, oil on panel, private collection. Moonlight Moonlight, 1932, oil on panel, private collection. The Enchanted Prince The Enchanted Prince,[마술에 걸린 왕자] 1934, oil on board. The Glen The Glen,[산골짜기] 1936, oil on masonite. Riverbank in Autumn Riverbank in Autumn,[가을 강뚝] 1938, oil on board. Lull Brook Winter (detail) Lull Brook Winter, detail, 1945, oil on board. Christmas Eve Christmas Eve (Deep Valley), 1948, oil on panel. Sunlit Valley Sunlit Valley, 1947, oil on panel. Christmas Morning Christmas Morning, 1949, oil on panel. Peaceful Night (Church at Norwich, Vermont) Peaceful Night (Church at Norwich, Vermont), The Old Glen Mill The Old Glen Mill, 1950, oil on panel. Mountain Farm at Winter Mountain Farm at Winter, 1952, oil on panel. Winter Night Landscape Winter Night Landscape (Two Tall Pines), study, New Moon New Moon, 1958, oil on panel. Giovanni Marradi / Charade
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