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그때 그시절

사진 조회 수 1316 추천 수 0 2014.09.25 15:34:54
그때 그시절
Vintage Photos

High School Dance 1950

Chiropractic Beauty Pagent, 1956. “Miss Beautiful Spine”

A Supermarket In 1964

Boulder County in 1890. They all lived in that cabin together

Phone from Car (1959)

Hot dog stand 1947

A street in New York City, 1915

The cages were distributed to members of the
Chelsea Baby Club in London who have no gardens” 1930′s

Breaking all the rules… 1950s

Popular hair styles from the 50′s

Summer on the Lower East Side, 1937

Segregated seating at the Orange Bowl, 1955

The “Jackie Look”…1961

Women wrestling in the 50s

Applicants to Paramount Motion Picture School, 1925

A rejection letter from Disney, 1938.
“Women do not do any of the creative work…”

For city kids the street was your playground….

Swimming with inner-tubes in the 1920′s

1948 Los Angeles, street car chaos

Irish Schoolboys get their Dose of Castor Oil

Travelling First Class

Prom night, 1957

Nice sales pitch… 1953

Crowd at a high school football game, 1944

Buying a car in 1950

The classic lunch counter… 1960s

A new suburban housing development opens, Bellflower California, 1953

Tattoo parlor in the 1920′s

NYC street near Central Park, 1900

Mobile school… classroom on a rail car, Ontario Canada 1932

Picking up the US Mail, early 1900s.

Doing homework… 1944

Daytona Beach in the 1950s…
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